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Pamper Your Pallet

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Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: Yes | Messy: No | Kidz Club: No | Urban Impact Youth: Yes


Disposable diapers, several types of candy and
chocolate bars and small sample spoons
Players: Small to medium groups


Buy a box of cheap disposable diapers and 8-12 different types of candy
bars. In separate diapers melt one candy bar in microwave until you cannot
tell what type it is. Number the outside of that diaper, list it on a master
list and do the same for all the other candy bars. Have participants with
small food sample spoons taste each diaper and make a list of what type of
candy bar they think is in the diaper. Have players get a new spoon for each
diaper and no double dipping. The person with the most correct answers is
the winner.