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Jumbo Soccer

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Game Type: group | Location: indoor | Food: No | Messy: No | Kidz Club: No | Urban Impact Youth: Yes


2 teams compete at a time
jumbo soccer ball, whistle for ref(s)


On “GO”, teams must try to score goals on the other team by kicking the ball and hitting the blue mats on the wall. The team with the most goals scored within the 3 minute round, wins. Once the first round is complete, the next 2 teams compete the same. The last round is for the 2 winning teams. The winning team gets the points for the game.

1 goalie is appointed per team.

2 defense players are appointed for each team (guard the net)

Everyone else plays forward – trying to score on the other team or at least keep the ball going in the right direction.

Rules: Players cannot touch the ball with their hands – only the goalie or ref(s),

Players cannot get right up to the net to shoot – they must shoot from the closest line.

Players can bounce the ball off their head, torso, knees or feet – NO HANDS.

If you touch the ball with your hand, the other team gets a penalty shot (no goalie from mid-court).