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God Forgets Our Sins-Flash Paper

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12


Flash paper



-This clean piece of paper is us before sin.
-It is pure and nice and clean
-This is what happens when we sin. (Write names of sin all over the paper)
-We might lie, we might cheat at school, we might have an attitude with someone who is in charge of us, we might try to fight someone
-Suddenly our life is messed up- we are all dirty.
-Sin makes us feel bad and keeps us from doing what God wants us to do.
-Who know how to get rid of sin?
-Try to clean the paper
-Some people try to get rid of their sin by going to church – Will that work?
-Some people try to get rid of their sin by doing good deeds to make up for the bad things they have done – Will that work?
-Some people try to cover up or hid their sin – but it is still there.
-Some people just plain don’t care and try to ignore their sin.
-None of these things will get rid of the sin in your life.
-There is only one person that will.
-Who knows who gets rid of sin?