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God Loves Me –D-O-G

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16


picture of the sky
picture of the ocean
shoe box
plastic storage bag
3 boxes wrapped with one letter of the word dog on each box



Over the next 4 weeks we are going to learn about the 4 most important things. Why do we call them ?the four most important things? They are the four most important things you will ever learn in your life.

The Bible tells us God loves us.

God loves us so much that we cannot even measure his love for us.
Illustration: Have you ever brought a part of the sky to school with you? (Show picture) Have you ever given someone the ocean for his or her birthday? (Show picture) Probably not. Have you ever told someone ?I would like to give you a piece of my time? (show picture of clock)

Each of these things (hold up pictures) is immeasurable. You cannot put to sky in a box. (Hold up a box) You can not put the ocean in a jar and tell your friends, here is the ocean. (Hold up an empty jar) You cannot store time in a bag, and say, I will use this later when I need it. (Put clock in the bag and hold it up)

Have you ever taken a yardstick and measured the sky or the ocean? No because the sky and the ocean are beyond measure-infinite.

Each of these things gives us a picture of Gods love. The Bible says that Gods love is infinite, limitless, and unending. We cant even conceive of how big or how tall Gods love is, because we cant measure it.

God is faithful to us even when we dont deserve it.

Today we have some gifts that I want you to pay close attention to. As you can see on each of the gifts there is a letter.

How many of you have a pet? Did you receive your pet as a gift? (Reveal that the gifts spell dog)

Often after a person owns a dog for a while, the dog and its master really grow to love each other. Raise your hand if you have a dog you really love. Sometimes, even if the master is mean, the dog will remain faithful and love his master. Even if the owner doesn?t feed the dog or take the dog for walks, often a dog will continue to love their master.

The Bible talks about that idea when it talks about God and us. (Rearrange the presents to spell God) God loves us and remains faithful to us, even when we dont deserve it/ Sometimes we dont show our love to God the way we should, but he still loves us.

In the beginning of the world God created the first man and woman and He loved them so much. He gave them a special beautiful Garden to live in. God took care of all their needs, and blessed them. Even when Adam and Eve werent faithful to God, He still loved them.

Today God loves us so much.



BIBLE VERSE: “Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens and your faithfulness to the skies”

Bible Verse: Psalm 36:5

You Need:
1 Chair
3 balls
3 helpers
1 volunteer
1 Chair

-We are going to do an experiment today to see how high we can reach.
-Choose 3 volunteers.
-My helpers are going to hold a ball for me in the air at different levels.
-I am going to have people come up and see if you can touch the balls.
-We will see who can reach the highest
-Assign the helpers as to where they are going to hold the balls (short, medium, high – the highest ball should be impossible to reach-choose a tall person and put them on a chair)
-Have kids come up and try to touch each ball.
-Why did everyone have a hard time reaching the tallest ball?
-How could you reach that ball?
-There are some things in life that are too high for us to reach. Can you name some?
-Even adults can’t reach everything.
-We sometimes have to use stools, chairs or ladders.

-This game reminds me of something – God’s love
-God’s love for us isn’t this high (Hold ball at lowest point), or this high (Hold ball at medium point), or this high (Hold ball at highest point).
-God’s love reaches clear up to heaven.
-Who thinks that is high?
-Who thinks that is impossible to reach
-The Bible teaches us that God’s love for us reaches to the heavens, and God’s faithfulness reaches up to the skies.
-What does faithfulness mean? (God’s dedication to us – loyalty – sticks by us no matter what)
-God loves and cares for us so much that His love reaches all the way up to the heavens. God will stick by us no matter what.