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God Loves Me –Money

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: But God demonstrated Him love for us in this; while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


money ($5.00)



-Hold up a $5.00 bill
-Who would like this $5.00 bill today?
-What would you do with it?
-Crumple it up who still wants it?
-Spit on it – who still wants it?
-Stomp on it and yell at it – Who still wants it?
-Why do you want it?
-Because it has value.
-No matter what you do to this $5.00, it still has value.
-It is the same with us – No matter what has happened to us – No matter what people have said about us we still have value
-God loves us
-God loves me no matter what anyone else says or does.