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Disciples Are Thankful

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Being A Disciple

Verse: Be thankful to Him and bless His name; For the Lord is good. Psalm 100:4


- Various people written on papers in one basket (Enough for everyone) For example: Aunt, best friend, enemy, bank robber
-Various things you would give up written on papers in another basket.
-For example; my arm, my pet, my lunch, my life
-2 circles for everyone
-Pencils for everyone
-Thank you notes for Jesus



-We hear the words "thank you" so much in our lives that I think we forget what they mean. Can you thin of where you hear them?
"Thank you for shopping at _____________"
"Thank you and have a nice day"
-Has your mother ever said, "What's the magic word?"
-Are you truly thankful when you say "thank you" especially to Jesus
-We should be thankful to Jesus everyday for what He has done for us. We should tell Jesus everyday that we are thankful to him.

Activity: The "Would You" Game

Have everyone take a piece of paper from each basket.

Would you give up what is on one page for the person on the other page? Have some of the kids read their papers and tell their answer.

I have 2 pieces of paper
-Would you give up your life for the whole entire world?
-Who did it?
-Would you be willing to do it?

Activity: Pass out circles, 2 to everyone, and have them make a sad face on one and a happy face on the other.
-I am going to tell the story of Jesus
-When I pause if you think Jesus was sad at that moment then hold up the sad face and if you think Jesus was happy hold up the happy face.
-At the end of the story the fastest person will get a piece of candy

Jesus was sent by His heavenly father to the earth to help, teach, heal and love us all. (PH)

But many people didn't love Jesus, and they didn't believe He was God's son. (PS)

The people who didn't have faith in Jesus and didn't love Jesus thought He should die. (PS)

Think of how Jesus must have felt. He had loved everyone and had taught them God's truth. Jesus had helped and healed many people. Jesus had forgiven many people, and had accepted some of the most unlovable people. Jesus treated everyone with love and yet here he was dying for them. (PS)

Jesus had to die willingly in order to fulfill God's plan of forgiveness and salvation. Jesus died to pay the price for our sins. Jesus died so we could be close to God forever and live forever with Him in heaven. Jesus died for us because He loved us. (PH)

After Jesus died on the cross, He was buried in a tomb, which was a big hole in a cave. A big stone was roll in front of the door. It was very dark inside. The disciples were very sad because they missed Jesus and His love. (PS)

But on the third day after Jesus died, some of his friends went to his tomb, and what did they see? An angel who told them that Jesus was alive. (PH)

Jesus had risen from the dead and was no longer dead just as God's plan promised. Jesus is alive today and is sill here helping, healing, teaching and loving us!! (PH)


Activity: Write a thank you card to Jesus. In your own words you can thank Jesus for what he has done for you.