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God’s Gift To Us

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: Whoever enters through me will be saved. John 10:9


A treasure chest with a lock and key
A gift inside the treasure chest



-Let’s see who can remember the 4 Most Important Things
1. God loves me
2. I have sinned
3. Jesus died for me
4. I must decide to live for Jesus

- It is really easy for us to remember these four points but it is also important that we remember why they are so important.

- Today I want to spend some time talking about why it is so important for us to live for Jesus

2.Object Lesson:

-Before we go any further I need a volunteer
-Choose someone who has been extra good today and this past week
-Explain you have a little gift for them
-Explain that the gift you brought today for them is inside this box (a treasure box locked up)
-Explain that all they have to do is open the box and reach in and take the gift. It is all there’s.
-Tell them to go ahead
(They won’t be able to get in because of the lock)

-What’s the matter? Why are you not taking the gift I got for you?
-Don’t you like?
-You can’t open it because it is locked and you don’t have the key. Well, I am so sorry! I guess you had better go sit down then.

-Well boys and girls let’s continue talking about the 4 Most Important things.
-Who remembers what they are?

-Look what I just found in my pocket – could it be the key for the lock on the box?
-Call the volunteer back up – It is a good thing I found this key or you wouldn’t have been able to have your present no matter how good you were this past week.
-Have the volunteer open the box and get their gift out.

3.God’s Gift
-Giving this gift today reminds me of something
-Did you know that when you decide to live for Jesus, that God gives us a very important and special gift?
-Actually God has lots of gifts for us – but there is one that specifically comes to us when we decide to live for Jesus
-Does anyone know what it is?
-Romans 6:23 tells us what that gift is – The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE in Christ Jesus our Lord
-When we decide we are going to live for Jesus, we get the gift of ETERAL LIFE
-What does that mean? (When we die, we are really just moving to heaven where we will live with Jesus forever)
-We don’t get Eternal life because of how good we are
-We don’t get Eternal Life because oh how many times we go to church and Kidz Club
-We don’t deserve Eternal Life because we are really nice
-God’s gift of Eternal Life is a free gift for anyone who decides to live for Jesus

1.God loves us very much – He want to give us good gifts – like the gift that was in this box.
2.But we have sinned – Sin keeps us from God’s gifts just like this lock kept us from the gift inside this box.
3.Jesus died for us. Jesus is like the key that opens the box. When Jesus died, he was punished for our sins. Jesus is like the key that opens the box.
4.When we decide to live for Jesus, we can have God’s gift for us of Eternal life. It is ours – just like ________took the gift from the box.