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God’s Love, God’s Direction

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Mission Possible -Love God

Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37


jar of candy
Blow Dryer
Ping Pong Ball



We need to experience God’s love.
-Today I brought my jar of candy with me.
-It has my very favorite kind of candy in it.
-Describe which one is your favorite. Describe it as you eat it.
-How would you really know how good these candies are?
-To taste it for yourself.
-Experiencing God’s love is much like experiencing this candy.
-You can hear lots of stories and teachings about God, but you will not experience God’s love that way.
-You can watch other people who know a lot about God, but you will not experience God’s love that way.
-You can go to church, but you will not necessarily experience God’s love that way
-The way for you to personally experience God and His love for you is by deciding to live for Him.
-When you invite Jesus to be apart of your life and you truly open up your heart to Him, you will experience God’s love.

When we decide to live for Jesus, we need to let God Be the guide of our life.
-God cares a lot about our life and He wants to help us live our life.
-When we decide to live for God, He promises to guide us through life.
-He will help us make right decisions. He will help us when we face scary or hard situations.
-This ping-pong ball is like us. If we do not let God direct us we just sit there – nothing special. We have no direction.
-If we let God guide our lives everyday it can be exciting.
-Set the ping-pong ball on the head of a blow dryer. Turn the blow dryer on. The ball should stay in the line of the hot air. You should be able to move the ball to the left and right a little by moving the direction of the hot air.
-The really cool thing is that God has plans and directions for our lives that we would never think of.

Conclusion: Abraham trusted God
-It looked like Abraham had everything to lose by trusting in God.
i. He lived in a modern and rich city.
ii. He had lots of relatives
iii. He had lots of money, so he probably had a nice house etc.
-God told Abraham to leave all of that, to take his wife and belongings and go to a land, which God was going to give Him and His family.
-Abraham didn’t even know for sure where he was going.
-What a big risk!
-Abraham obeyed God, and God kept all his promises.
i. God protected Abraham
ii. God provided all that Abraham needed
iii. God gave Abraham a son when he was really old
-When you trust God like Abraham, your life becomes a great adventure.

Pray with the kids