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Bad Company Corrupts Good Character

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Walk, Talk, And Live Like Jesus

Verse: Do not be misled; Bad company corrupts good character. 1 Corinthians 15:33


2 glasses
2 pieces of paper



I. Introduction
-What have we been talking about for the past several weeks?
-Walk, talk, and live like Jesus
-When we decide to live for Jesus, we need to walk, talk and live like him.
-One of the things that effects how we live is who we hang out with.
-Some people think that others will not affect their life, but that is wrong.
-The Bible teaches us this:

Do not be misled; bad company corrupts good Character. 1 Corinthians 15:33

(Review the Bible verse with the children)

2. Object Lesson - Oil and water don't mix
-Choose a volunteer.
-Have them pour water into the jar filling it about halfway
-Have them pour oil in the jar filling it about halfway.
-Have the volunteer gently mix the solution. (It won't mix, as soon as you stop stirring, the solutions separates)
-Object: Just like oil and water don't mix, good and bad don't mix.
-If you are going to live for Jesus (good) then you can't hang around or be apart of bad.
-If you are going to live for Jesus then you need to stay far away from bad company.
-You need to stay away from others who are not living for Jesus.
-You need to stay away from those who will try to get you to do things that don’t make Jesus happy.

3. The sin of others will rub off on you
-Some people think they can have a good effect on people who are not living for Jesus
-This is a lie.
-Remember what the Bible verse says "DO NOT BE MISLED - BAD COMPANY CORRUPTS GOOD CHARACTER"

Object Lesson:
-Let's show you what we mean
-A clean piece of paper represents you as a Christian.
-A piece of paper with paint on it represents a friend who is not serving Jesus.
-Some people think when they hand around bad friends, they can have a good influence -on them, or they think their friends won't affect how they live.
-Watch what happens when you hang around the wrong person (rub the 2 pieces of paper together)
-The sin of your friend rubs off on you.

4. Conclusion: Don't hang around sin-Run from sin

-Choose a big volunteer to represent sin.
-Choose another volunteer and tie him to sin at the ankles with about 6-12 inches between them. This volunteer is going to represent a Christian.
-You are going to give the Christian different scenarios to act out, but sin will hold them back. (Sin should never move)
-There's the Kidz Club van (at the back of the auditorium) loading up to take everyone to Kidz Club. You want to get on it. Go ahead
-Before you go to bed you want to read your Bible. It over there on the table. Go get your Bible to read it.
-There is the bus to pick up for church on Sunday. You really want to go to church but. . . .
- At church you want to go to the front for prayer because you want to serve Jesus.

-If we are going to walk, talk and live the way Jesus wants us to then we need to stay away from people who have a bad influence on us.
-We need to be friends with people who love Jesus like us, who will encourage us, and help us to live for Jesus everyday.

Pray with children - they will hang around the right people, and make good decisions about who their friends are