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God’s Power To The Rescue

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be A Wise Christian

Verse: Be very careful how you live-not as unwise but as wise. Ephesians 5:15


Fishing lures



Don’t be lured by sin.
1. (Hold up fishing lures.) Do you know what these are for?
2. Who has ever been fishing? What did you use to try and catch fish with?
3. There are all different things you can use to catch fish
1. Different size, color and shapes of lures
2. Small fish
3. Frogs
4. Worms
4. Do these lures really look like something to eat?
5. Some lures make noise, some are shiny, some smell, and some glow in the dark.
6. You think a fish was smart enough to know they were really food, or that worms just don’t dangle in the water for no reason/
7. A fish doesn’t find out he was wrong about the lure until after he is hooked.
8. Sin can attract us like that.
9. It gets our attention by looking like something really good and exciting.
10. We find ourselves wanting to do something even though we know it is wrong.
11. For example “no one will miss that candy bar on the shelf at the store. It is only $0.50”
12. You wouldn’t thing smart people would be attracted to sin, but we are.
13. A fish that decides to go after a lure usually dies.
14. When we decide to be attracted or “lured” by sin we will end up in big trouble.
15. Sin will destroy our life.
16. The Bible tells us to live wisely.
17. Living wisely means not being lured by sin.

God gives us power to make right choices.
18. A lot of people celebrate with balloons.
i. Birthdays
ii. New Years
iii. Graduations
19. What is the best way to see a balloon-when it is empty and flat or big and round.
20. When blown up balloons are light and bright. (Blow up balloon)
21. What happens when a balloon sits around for several days?
22. What happens when you blow up a balloon and let go of it?
23. Just like our lungs fill up a balloon, when we have Jesus inside us, we are filled up with his power.
24. His power changes us, and helps us to walk talk and live like Him.
25. Just like we keep adding air to a balloon we need to keep adding Jesus to our life.
26. How can we add Jesus to our life?
27. Going to church
i. Going to Kidz Club
ii. Reading the Bible
iii. Praying to Jesus
28. If we don’t stay filled with Jesus we will look like an old deflated balloon.
29. When we stay filled with Jesus, sin will not be able to lure us easily.

Joseph stayed filled with God.
30. Joseph’s life looked pretty bad.
31. His dad favored him and his brothers hated him so much they sold him as a slave.
32. Then they told his dad a wild animal killed Him.
33. Joseph chose to stay filled with God. He worked very hard.
34. Joseph was promoted.
35. Just when everything looked good, someone tried to lure Joseph into sin.
36. Joseph ran the other way – good choice.
37. He was still falsely accused of committing sin, and sent to prison.
38. Joseph chose not to be angry instead he filled himself with God.
39. Joseph was promoted while in jail to an assistant.
40. One day Joseph was able to help the king.
41. Joseph was released from jail, and became the king’s right hand man.
42. Joseph was second in command over all of Egypt.
43. Joseph chose not to be angry or lured by sin. He filled himself with God, and God took care of him. In the end Joseph did great things for God.

Conclusion: Keep your Eyes On The Target
44. Who hear likes to play basketball?
45. When you are going to score what do you focus on?
46. What about in hockey?
47. Just like you focus on the goal (the basket) in sports, as Christians we need to focus on our goal – living for Jesus.
48. Don’t get sidetracked by sin, or other people.
49. Athletes who spend their life focusing on the target end up being champions. If you spend your life focusing on the target of Jesus, you will be a champion.