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We Are Like Clay

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be A Wise Christian

Verse: Be very careful how you live-not as unwise but as wise. Ephesians 5:15


Dress-up clothes



a. The bible says we are all like clay.
b. What do you think clay has in common with us?
c. What do we do with clay?
d. Just like we mold and shape clay into something, we are molded and shaped.
e. We can be molded and shaped by:
1.Our friends
2.Our circumstances
3.Our family
4.By God
f. The Bible says that God wants to be the one to mold and shape our lives.
g. We need to decide whether we are going to let Him.
h. He molds and shapes our lives
i. Through his Word,
1.Through the time we spend in prayer
2.Through our obedience to Him
3.Through other Christians we hang around
4.Today I want you to think about who is molding your life, and then decide if you need to change who is molding your life.

Fashion show – You don’t have to do something just because everybody else is doing it
a. Have volunteers come up and put on the hats and ties.
b. Have them model them before the class.
c. Have the kids decide who is the best-looking etc.
d. I know that everybody here thinks these clothes are quite ugly and you wouldn’t wear them out of this room.
e. Did you know there was a time that these clothes were very popular? (Talk about each thing a little)
f. Who determines what looks good and what doesn’t?
g. A long time ago every woman and girl wore a bonnet on his or her head. They wouldn’t even dream of leaving the house without it.
h. We are like that today with our styles. You wouldn’t dream of leaving your house in a bonnet. You have to wear the most popular jeans etc. That is not a bad thing.
i. We are also like this with sin.
j. If a boy does something mean to another boy other boys think they need to do the same thing to fit in.
k. If one girl tells a lies to be cool, other girls think they need to do the same thing.
l. People whose lives are molded by sin feel that they have to do what their peers are doing to fit in
m. The Bible tells us if we are going to be wise we should not necessarily do what everybody else is doing.
n. The Bible tells us not to do what everybody else in the world is doing but instead we should fix our attention on God and his plans for our life.

David let God mold His life.
a. t a crown on someone’s head.
b. long time ago Kings ran countries and had lots of power-sort of like the President.
c. ere were good kings and there were evil kings, depending on who molded their life before they became king.
d. ngs always wore certain clothes like a crown to show their royalty.
e. at kind of king do you think God would like?
f. were was one king that stands out from all the rest in the Bible that and that is King David.
i. David killed Goliath an enemy of God’s people
ii. David brought the arc-the presence of God back to Israel-God’s people
g. David wasn’t always a king.
i. He had a family.
ii. He had a job.
h. who do you think molded David’ life before He became King?
i. The Bible says David was a man after God’s own heart
i. God love David and desired all men to be like David.
j. David was
i. Honest and true
ii. Loving and protective
k. The Bible says “ God wants us to be honest, loving, kind, faithful”

1. We all have something or someone that molds our lives.
2. When you are hand cuffed to someone, you are very close together and one person has to follow the other.
3. We need to decide who or what is going to mold our lives.
4. God wants to mold our lives but He is not going to unless we decide to let Him.