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God’s Promise To Abraham

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings

Verse: But the Word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8


Warranties from several appliances



-Who remembers who came to visit last week?
-What was Sarah’s husband’s name?
-What did God tell Abraham? (To move)

Bible Story – God’s Promise to Abraham
-God also made a promise to Abraham. It was that Abraham would be a father to many nations.
-What makes a person a father?
-God promised Abraham that he would have children.
-Now that doesn’t sound like a hard promise to make, nor does it sound like a hard promise to keep.
-There was one problem Sarah couldn’t have children.
-So, does that mean that God was a liar?
-Does that mean that God would have to break his promise?
-Many years passed, and from time to time God reminded Abraham of his promise.
-Abraham turned 100 years old and Sarah turned 90 years old and they still had not children. Who thinks it was impossible for them to have children now?
-That is not true.
-Once thing you have to remember about God is that He always keeps his Promises.
-When Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90, Sarah had a baby boy named Isaac.
-God kept his promise to Abraham.
-God always keeps His promises.
-Gods Word always happens and is always true.


-I wanted to bring along my TV and VCR today, but I thought that was too much to carry. So I brought these with me.
-Does anyone know what these are? (Hold up the warrantees)
-Who knows what a warrantee is?
-It is a promise from the company that you purchased a product from. The promise usually says that if your product breaks within so many years that they will fix or replace it.
-The problem is that the warrantee is only good for so long. The warrantee on my new TV is for 2 years.
-Who thinks my TV will eventually break?
-Who thinks it will break within 2 years? (Probably not)
-The cool thing is that God’s Word is better than a warrantee
-God has things He has promised us in the Bible.
-The great thing is that the Bible never expires.
-God always keeps His promises and His promises never end.