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Moses- It Is Raining Bread

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings

Verse: My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19


“Manna” on the floor at the front
Israelite costume



-Who remembers the name of the guy we have been talking about for the last several weeks?
-What did Moses mom have to do when Moses was a baby?
-Who found and raised Moses?
-What big mistake did Moses make when he grew up?
-What did God have Moses do?
-Last week when we left we heard about the plagues that God sent to the Egyptians because Pharaoh would not let God’s people be freed from slavery. Can anyone remember some of the plagues?
-Who remembers the last plague?
-What happened after the last plague?
-What happened at the Red Sea?

(As we are talking have a guy collecting manna walk in as if he is picking something up off the ground.)

Teacher: God’s people were so happy they were finally free after years of slavery. They praised and worshiped and thanked God for their freedom. Then they started on their journey across the desert to the land that God promised would be theirs. Who here has ever moved? Moving is not easy. Imagine moving without a moving truck. Imagine walking across a desert to get to your new home. Well that is what these people had to do.

After a few days they began to get tired thirsty and hungry. Their supplies were getting low. Instead of be thankful to God for their freedom, they were now complaining to God about their journey. They thought they would never make it alive. They thought they were going to die in the desert.

Now how here thinks God would free His people from slavery only to let them die in the desert?

Oh, Who are you? And what are you doing on the floor?

Israelite: I was picking up manna and I ended up here. Where am I?

Teacher: You are in Buffalo at Kidz Club. I was telling the kids about the Israelites trip across the desert. I take it you’re apart of that trip?

Israelite: I sure am.

Teacher: Well why don’t you tell us the story. I left off just before God sent the manna.

Israelite: Do you have drink I am so thirsty? I haven’ had a drink in a few days. I was just trying to get to the rock with the water.

After we celebrated our freedom. We left on our trip across the desert. It was a lot harder and longer than we thought. The sun is so hot. There is nothing for miles. Soon we all ran out of food. We began to complain. Some people said God was going to let us die in the wilderness. But that is not true. God sent us this stuff called manna. It actually fell from the sky. It is kind of like bread. I was happy to have food again. The only problem was that after a few days the manna got kind of boring. There is only so much you can do with manna – manna stew, manna pie, boiled manna, and manna sandwiches. Some people started complaining again. Then God sent flocks of quail. That was pretty cool because we all knew that quails don’t hang out in the desert. Do you know what a quail is?

The quails were a nice change. At least we could have roasted quail and manna, or quail stew with our manna. We even made sloppy quail and manna sandwiches.

A few days went by and everyone was pretty happy with the quail and manna. Then we ran out of water. There was not water in site at all. Everyone was getting pretty worried. We knew that in the hot sun we would never survive without water. People started getting mad a Moses saying it was his fault.

Anyways, I heard that just before I came here that Moses hit a rock with his stick, the same stick that turn into a snake, and the same stick he touched the sea with. Guess what happened? Water came pouring out of the rock. There was supposedly enough for everyone and all our animals too. That’s a lot of thirsty people and animals. I was on my way to get a drink when I ended up here.

Teacher: I know you guys might have been a little upset because your freedom maybe wasn’t what you expected, but when you tell me this story I can see how God took care of you. Nobody died from hunger or thirst. God protected all of you on your trip and he supplied everything you needed.