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Noah- skit

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings



2X4 piece of wood
Noah Costume



(Rushing around with a hammer, nails and a 2X4)

Oh, Hello. My name is Noah. As you can see I am really busy right now building this great big huge boat. I know that sounds a little silly because there are no lakes or oceans nearby but believe it or not God told me to do this. God told me that one day soon the whole entire earth would be covered with water. That water would fall out of the sky for 40 days and nights. That sounds really strange. I have never seen water fall out of the sky. But I have to believe it because that is what God told me and I believe God to be true all the time.

Neighbor: Noah, are you at it again? Do you really think that anyone will believe your silly flood stories?

Noah: I believe what God told me.

Neighbor: You are crazy. You are insane. How will water cover the whole earth? That is impossible.

Noah: I don’t know how it will happen but God said it would so I know it will.

Neighbor: Insane!!! By the way what do you call water falling from the sky again?

Noah: Rain.

Neighbor: You really believe it is going to rain?

Noah: I know it will that is why I am building the ark.

Neighbor: Boats are or lakes and oceans. There are no lakes or oceans for miles. We are in the desert!!!

Noah: When it rains there will be plenty of water for the ark to float on.

Neighbor: So why are you making your boat so big?

Noah: I am going to save a bunch of animals and my family. We will need lots of room because we will be on the boat a long time.

Neighbor: Noah, you are wasting your time. What a joke you are. You could be partying and having fun with us, but instead you are building that dumb boat all for nothing. Your God is not real and I don’t understand why you are wasting your time on him and this dumb boat. I am going to have fun. See you later.