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Noah-Doing What God Wants

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings

Verse: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13


Rubber bands
Plate with “God” written on it
Skit supplies



Once Noah built the boat, what happened next? ( 2 of all the animals came and got on the boat)
Who else got on the boat? (Noah, his wife, there sons and their sons families)
Then what did it start to do outside? (It rained for 40 days and nights)

After it stopped raining Noah waited for the land to dry. The boat finally stopped moving, so he sent out a raven to see what would happen. The raven came back there was still no land to be seen.

Noah waited longer and sent out a dove. The dove came back with an olive leaf. Noah waited longer.

The third time Noah sent out a dove and the dove never came back.

Finally Noah and everyone on the boat got off.

What was the first thing everyone did once they got off the boat. They thanked and praised God that they were alive.

Noah had a goal or a target. He followed his goal no matter what people around him said. We need to live the same way. We need to have a target in our life. We need to decided to live for Jesus and do what Jesus wants than we need to follow our target no matter what other people say.

Object Lesson/Conclusion:

You need:
Rubber bands
Paper plate with God written on it so everyone can see

Instructions: Have a couple volunteers come to the front and shot rubber bands anywhere at the front of the room. Tell them we are going to have a contest.
Discussion: Once they are done. Ask them who hit the target? Who did the best job? It was kind of hard to tell because there was not target, and there was no way to measure who did the best job.

Instructions: Set up a target (the paper plate). Now line them up where they are going to stand. Then let them practice hitting the target. Determine who did the best.
Discussion: Just like this game was successful with a target. We need to have a target in our life. We need to have something very specific we are living for. Who thinks they know what that target should be? Living for Jesus.

We need to decide to live or Jesus no matter what. Noah made the decision to trust in God no mater what his neighbors thought. The cool thing is that when we do God will give us the strength to do what He wants us to do. God gives us the strength to hit the target.