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Be Patient B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: ...Be patient with everyone... 1 Thessalonians 5:14


Patient costume
Needle and thread
Styrofoam cups - 100
2 tables



-This week we are going to learn about another quality a Christian should have in their life. BE PATIENT

-What does it mean to be patient?

-To wait without complaining
-To handle trouble without getting upset
-To remain calm during a delay
-Not getting angry in a stressful situation
-I have a good activity that demonstrates the importance of being patient.
-Have the person who dressed up like a patient help you
-Here I have a needle and a thread. Threading a needle takes patience
-____________ would you like to show everyone how to thread the needle?
-The person demonstrating should act impatient, frustrated etc.
-You will never get the thread in the needle acting like that.
-Threading a needle takes patience. You have to remain calm, concentrate on what you are doing, and not get frustrated. Just like this (thread the needle).

Review what it means to be patient.

Bible Verse: ". . Be patient with everyone. ." 1 Thessalonians 5:14

Bible Story -

Introduction: Let's have a contest to see which team can stack the most Styrofoam cups. Pick 2 girls and 2 boys. Give them each a table and a bag of Styrofoam cups. Tell them when to begin.

This activity took patience. The littlest movement and the cup would fall over. If you complained or gave up then the other team would win. You had to keep working at it until I blew my whistle.

This game reminds me of a man in the Bible named Nehemiah.


Before Jesus was born, God's people begged God for a kind. He gave them Saul. After Saul, David was king. David was a great kind. Who can tell me a story about David?

David also helped build the City of Jerusalem, which to this day is also called the City of David. Then David's son became king-Solomon who continued to build the city of Jerusalem - especially the Temple.

After that there were many king's -some of them were bad kings. There was one King-Nebuchadnezzar who invaded and destroyed Jerusalem. He burned down the walls, and captured God's people. They had to go work for him. This is when Daniel and his friends-Meshach, Shadrach, and Abendigo were captured.

Another man by the name of Nehemiah was captured. He became a very important man in history. Jerusalem lay in ruins for over one hundred years while Nehemiah worked for a king. He was a cupbearer. Does anybody know the job of the cupbearer?

He had to taste all the king's drinks to make sure they were safe to drink. It was common for people to try and kill the king by poisoning his drink. The cupbearer prevented this from happening.

All the while Nehemiah worked for the king, he dreamed about restoring Jerusalem.

God's promise to Abraham and Sarah came true. However, Abraham and Sarah had to have patience. They believed in what God said, and they waited without getting angry, stressed out, or complaining.

(Have all the kids stand up and raise their right hand. Have them repeat after you) I promise to do my best to be patient. I will try to remain calm in all situations, and I will wait without complaining when I need to.