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Job Well Done

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty… Proverbs 21:5


1 chest that can be locked
combination lock
4 pieces of construction paper
large quantity of wrapped candy


label the 4 pieces of paper as follows: “do it quickly”, “do it poorly”, “do it the easy way”, “do it right”. Print the wrong combination to the lock on the back of the first 3 pieces of paper. Print the correct combination on the back of the forth piece.


1. Workers are supposed to be rewarded for doing a job.
A. God has ordained that it’s right for a worker to earn his paycheck.
B. Financial and material rewards are locked away for safekeeping.
(Display the candy, then pour it into the container and lock it with the combination lock.)
1. Money doesn’t just lay around waiting for people to grab it.
2. We have to know the secret of getting money the right way.

2. Many people go after money the wrong way.
A. When some people do a job, they want to get it done quickly, whether or not the job is done right. (Give the first piece of paper to a volunteer and let him/her try to open the lock with the wrong combination)
B. When others do a job, they don’t do it the right way. (Give the second piece of paper with its combination to another volunteer. As He or/she fails to open the lock, elaborate on the fact that a job done poorly doesn’t bring a lasting reward.)
C. When some do a job, they look for the easiest way to do it whether or not it’s right. (Give out the third piece of paper, let the volunteer try to open the lock and elaborate.)

3. We must do a job right if we wish to receive the right reward.
A. Sometimes it takes longer to do a job right.
(Require this volunteer to walk around the class before you give them the paper.)
B. Sometimes it is harder to do a job the right way.
C. But doing a job the right way is the only sure way to get a lasting reward. (Give the volunteer the last piece of paper and let them open the box. Share the candy with the class)