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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: So when we were baptized, we were buried with Christ and shared in his death. We were buried with Him so that we could live a new life, just as Christ was raised from death by the wonderful power of the Father. Romans 6:3




-Who as every heard of a Christian being Baptized?
-Why do you think someone gets baptized?
-What do you think it means?
-Some people think baptism show what church they are a member of
-Some people think they will go to heaven if and only if they are baptized
-Some people think they must baptize their baby, to show that they come from a Christian family
-None of these things are true
-Jesus and the disciples teach us throughout the New Testament that once a person decides they are going to be a follow of Jesus, they are to be baptized.
-In the New Testament the longest anyone waited to be baptized after deciding to follow Jesus was three days

1. Baptism identifies you as a Christian.

You need:
Wedding ring
Drivers license

-When you see a wedding ring on someone's hand, it identifies that person as a married person
-When someone has a driver's license it identifies that person as being able to drive
-Your passport identifies what country you are loyal to
-You student ID card identifies what school you go to, and that you are a student
-Baptism identifies you as a Christian -that you have decided to live for Jesus

2. You were buried

You need:
Flower pot
Things/signs to bury

-The Bible teaches us that when we are baptized we are buried.
-Does that mean we should go home and bury ourselves in the garden?
-When we go under the water, it symbolizes (means) that our sin and our old ways are buried.
-What happens when you bury something?
-It is gone. It disappears.
-Bury some things in the flower pot. You can write sins on pieces of paper.
-I have in my hand the lies I told - bury them
-I have hate towards my parents - bury them
-I have curse words - bury them
-Where are my sins and my old ways? Gone- forever because I am going to leave them buried.
-That means I am not going to lie anymore
-That means I am not going to hate my parents anymore
-That means I am not going to curse and swear anymore

3. Jesus gives me a new life.

You need:
Uncooked spaghetti
Cooked spaghetti

-When I decided to live for Jesus, Jesus took the old me (hold up uncooked spaghetti) and turned me into a new person (cooked spaghetti)
-Jesus took all my sins and old ways away – He gave me a new start to life.
-Jesus took away my old dirty heart - He gave me a new heart.
-During baptism - when we come up out of the water, this symbolizes the new person God turned us into.
-Our new person:
-Lives with God's Word in our heart
-Lives with God's Power inside of us
-Has a purpose and a plan from God