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Accomplishing The Impossible

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20


2 rubber bands



Trick: You are going to cross the rubber bands so they are interlocked. It is going to appear as though one penetrates the other to bring them apart.

Cross the rubber bands so they are interlocked. One end should be on your thumb and the other end on your pointer finger.

Pull back on the rubber bands a few times to show they are interlocked. It seems impossible to separate them.

One of the times you pull back, switch the pointer finger with the middle finger.

On the way back down put the pointer finger in the same hole as the thumb. Continue to press down on the rubber bands so it doesn't look like anything changed.

Rub the rubber bands together. When you are ready pull them apart and reveal that they are now separated.

Lesson: We all have big dreams for our life. What are some things you would like to do? We all want to accomplish certain things. Some of these are things that God wants us to do. Some of them are just dreams that we have.

Some of these things might seem impossible for us to accomplish. Their might be things that are like barriers keeping us from our dreams. Some examples would be: our education, our finances, or where we grew up.

We need to realize that God wants us to accomplish these dreams. We need to realize that nothing is impossible with God. We need to realize that God is able to do more than we could ever think or imagine.

It may seem like no matter how hard we try. No matter how hard we push and pull ourselves that we cannot break down the barriers. We can not move the obstacles in our way.

We need to remember God's promises - "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." "Nothing is impossible with God." "God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could think or imagine."

When we put our trust in God's promises, we will always make it through. We will always be able to accomplish and do all that God wants us to do.