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God Knows Everything About us

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: O Lord, You have searched me and known me. Psalm 139:1


2 Tables
Prize for winning team



Game: How well do you know your best friend?
a. Pick 2 sets of girl - friends
b. Pick 2 sets of boy – friends
c. Have 4 (one from each set sit at one table)
d. Have 4 (one from each set sit at another table)
e. Give each player 6 pieces of paper numbered 1-6 and a pen
f. Explain: I am going to ask a question. The people at the first table are going to answer the question about their friend. The people at the second table are going to write down their true answer. At the end we will see how well the first table knows their friend. When I ask the question you must write down your answer by the time the music stops.

For example: What is your friend’s favorite movie?
Table A –write down your friend’s favorite movie
Table B –write down your favorite movie

*Have a special prize for the winning team

Conclusion: God Knows us
a. These friends knew each other well – some better than others
b. There is only one person that know every single thing about you – God
i. He knows how tall you are
ii. He knows what your favorite cereal is
iii. He knows how many brothers and sisters you have
iv He knows your middle name
v. He know when you are sad
vi. He knows when you are scared
vii. He knows what you will be doing in 20 years
viii. He know how many hairs are on your head
c. God know everything about the world.
d. The Bible says
i. He knows the birds in the air
ii. He knows how many flowers are on the earth
ii. he knows all the fish in the sea
e. God knows everything about the past, the present and the future.
f. God made us all special.
g. God gave us all different gifts and talents
h. God made us all look different
i. God even gave us different fingerprints – he knows who’s finger print is who’s