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New Creation

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17


dirty hands
something to clean your hands (wash cloth, wet wipes)
white glue
borax soap-powder
2 clear cups
3 plastic spoons
food coloring
plastic bag
paper towels
wet wipes
dry erase board with stand
dry erase markers
dry erase eraser



A. Introduction: (Come to Kid’z Club with dirty hands)
-Talk to kids
-Explain how you were just doing some work in the basement and your hands got all dirty.
-I just have to wash off my hands before I start Kid’z Club.
-Have it pre-arranged that someone has a cloth or wet wipes for you to clean off your hands.
-I hate having dirty hands-everything you touch gets dirty.
-My dirty hands remind me of something. Before we decide to live for Jesus our hearts are dirty just like my hands. They are dirty with sin.
-When we decide to live for Jesus. Jesus gives us a brand new clean heart.
-Then sometime goes by and we sin. We might get in a fight with someone at school.
-We might disobey our parents. We might disobey our teacher at school. We might call someone a name.
-What happens when we sin? Our heart gets dirty -just like our hands can get dirty again when we are doing something that is dirty.
-If my hands get dirty again. I will wash them.
-If our heart gets dirty with sin-we can go to God and ask his forgiveness for our sins.

B. When we decide to live for Jesus we become a new creation.
-If anyone belongs to Christ then he is made new.
-We are made new because Christ gives a new heart. He takes away the old dirty one and gives us a new clean one.
-Let me show you how this works. (Narrate the experiment)
-Get 2 cups and mark them “A” and “B”
-Fill cup a 1/3 of the way full with white glue.

-Add 4 teaspoons of water to the glue in cup A. Stir it well.
-Add 2 drops of food coloring to the glue water mix in cup A.
(We are changing the glue into a new creation)
-That is just like us when Jesus comes into our lives.
-Jesus changes our thoughts and our actions.
-There is no telling what we can do or be for him.

-In the other cup put 3 teaspoons of warm water. Add 1 teaspoon of Borax soap. Mix it well so that the soap is dissolved. (You could mix it previous to the lesson.)
-Slowly pour the contents of cup B into cup A. Stir as you add.
-The glue mixture will begin to congeal. Take is out of the cup as soon as you can work with it. As you work it in you hands it will become more bouncy. You have just made “ooze”. Put in a plastic bag.
-Our glue has changed entirely. It is not even close to what it was before. (Roll it around etc…) It is a new creation.
-When we give our life to Jesus, we become a new creation.

C. Jesus wipes our sin away.
-Once we have become a Christian, as we talked about it earlier sometimes we still sin. Our hearts get dirty again.
-Remember -if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness.
-Another verse says that God doesn’t even remember our sins anymore.
-Let me show you how this works.
-Have everyone look at the white board.
-Give someone a marker and tell them to come and draw a picture on the board.
-Talk about the picture they have drawn.
-Take the eraser and erase the picture they have drawn.
-Ask: Where did the picture go? It is gone-disappeared-will we ever see it again?
-That is what happens when Jesus forgives our sins.
-The Bible tells us that if we ask Jesus to forgive us, He will.
-Our sins will be gone just like the picture that was on this board-it is gone forever.

-Have the kids say 1 John 1:9 (like we do the memory verse).

-If we have never made the decision to serve Jesus we must do that first, by asking Jesus to forgive us of our sins, and then deciding we are going to follow Him everyday. Then Jesus makes us into a new creation (hold up the ooze)
-If you have already decided to live for Jesus, it is important that we still ask
-Jesus to forgive us when we do wrong. Jesus will wipe away our sins just like you
-wipe marker off this board. (Wipe marker off the board)