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God’s love

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: I have loved you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3


Dream Bag
Hula hoop




Today I want to talk more about the first Most Important thing we need to know


Bible Verse:

Jeremiah 31:3 says “I have love you with an everlasting love”

Have children repeat Bible Verse


This verse says that God’s love for us is everlasting.

Most of us don’t really understand what everlasting love is.

In our life most of us experience a different kind of love.

(Hold up a rope and point out the beginning and the end)

This rope reminds me of the kind of love most of us are used to experiencing.

Love that seems to have a beginning and an end.

It seems that people in our life love us with this kind of love –
-We may do something and it seems that people stop loving us
-Friends may move away and it seems that they stop loving us
-Bad relationships may lead us to believe that others have stopped loving us

God’s love is not like this –

(Hold up a hula hoop and point out that this hoop has no beginning or end)

God’s love has no beginning or end.

God does not stop loving us because we disappoint Him or disobey Him. God does not stop loving us even if we stop loving Him.

Object Lesson:

Today I brought this empty bag with me.

This bag reminds me of how many of us feel at times – empty.

(Have Eric stick his hand in the bag)

We feel empty especially when we feel like nobody loves or cares about us.

But remember what the Bible verse we read earlier says – God loves us with an everlasting love.

When we read the Bible and get to know God better we start to understand some very important things about ourselves.

God has a lot of loving and good things to say about us - -
-God has a plan and a future for us
-God wants us to prosper and be successful
-God knows us so well that he even knows how many hairs are on our head
-God will never leave or forsake us
-With God all things are possible for us
-God will give us the strength we need in every situation we face

Once we begin to understand how much God really loves and cares about us, we realize our life is not so empty and meaningless. (Pull out Box #1)

God fills us with joy and happiness (Pull out Box #2)

God fills us with us with his love (Pull out Box #3)

Conclusion: Understanding and knowing God’s love in your life all begins with one thing – having a friendship with Jesus.