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God Gives Us Gifts

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: Every good and perfect gift is from above… James 1:16


modeling clay for everyone
Beach ball globe
Hot baked potato
Pair of shoes,
1 little piece of candy
1 dollar store toy
Nice toy



-What does a creator do?
-How many of you think of yourself as a creator?
-I am going to give you a piece of modeling clay and I want you to create something for me. You will have one minute. At the end we are going to bring all your creations up and put them on this table.

-Look at all the different things you guys created. How does it feel when you created something good?

God created everything good.
(Hold up globe)
-The very first story in the Bible is about how God created the world in seven days.
-He made this whole world out of nothing in just seven days.
-God created you. You are special. He created you good-with special gifts and talents.
You are different from everyone else in this room.

God gives good gifts.
-Some people say that God lets bad things happen to us on purpose, or that God gives us bad things to punish us. That is not true.
-Bad things come from the devil-he has come to kill steal and destroy our lives.
-God has come to give us a good life filled with good things.
-Have the kid’s repeat “God is good. The devil is bad.”
-The Bible says “Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above.”
-What are some good gifts God gives us? (Signs)
-A place to live
-Food to eat
-Clothes to wear

God gave the best gift in the world.
-Can you guess what it is?
-Here I have a really hot baked potato. (Cut it open to show the steam)
-I need a volunteer to come up and hold this potato in their bear hands for the rest of the class. It is for the good of this class. You will get burned, maybe even scarred.
-Why would you not want to do this?

-Jesus suffered pain for us.

-Jesus even asked His Father “Father if it is possible please don’t let me suffer like this, If I must to save the world than I will”

What Jesus did for us?
Jesus was beaten with a whip called the cat-o-nine tails.
-It was a rod with nine leather strips on it
-Attached to each strip were small jagged pieces of metal or bone.
-People being whipped would be stripped to the waist.
-Their hands were tied to a post above them.
-They were whipped so the leather came down on their back, and dug the pieces of metal and bone into their skin-it would rip the skin.
-This happened to Jesus 39 times for you
-Most victims died from blood loss.

Jesus wore the crown of thorns.
-They placed a crown made of large spiky thorns on Jesus headed and began to make fun of them.
-The thorns dug into his head and caused Him to bleed.
-The called Him names and made fun of Him.
-What do you do when someone calls you a name?
-Jesus said “Father forgive, they do not know what they are doing.”

Jesus was hung on the cross.
-They forced Jesus to carry His heavy cross through Jerusalem to a hill where
He was to be crucified.
-They laid Jesus on the cross and drove spikes into his hand.
-Then they put the cross in the ground.
-The cross was set upright it caused incredible pain because the weight of His body was pulled against the cross.

Conclusion: What gift are you going to give to Jesus?
a. If you were going to a party which of these would you give your friend?
-Pair of old stinky shoes
-One little piece of candy
-one cheap Dollar Store toy
-The nice expensive toy

b. What are you going to give to Jesus?
-Pair of stinky old shoes - nothing important, you don’t care
-1 piece of candy - once a year when nothing else is happening, I’ll go to church to respect Jesus
-1 cheap toy –I’ll give Him sometime once in awhile-when there is nothing better to do, when I am scared, when something exciting is happening as church.
-The best toy - I will give Jesus my best-my life.