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#2 Only Worship God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: God's Top Ten

Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37


Red poster board heart attached to a box
Teen fashion magazine
Video game/video
CD player



A. Introduction/Review

The Bible says, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

If we are going to do this we must follow God's Top Ten
a. Who remembers #1 - GOD COMES FIRST.
b. Today we are going to learn #2 in God's Top Ten- ONLY WORSHIP GOD
(Have kids repeat it)

B. What Does It mean to worship God only?
We must not have any idols.

In The Bible
-One time when Moses- the leader of God's people went up a tall mountain to spend some time with God.
-The people got bored and tired of waiting for Moses.
-They got all their nice jewelry together, melted it and made a big golden calf.
-The people started to worship the calf instead of God.
-God was very sad with the people.

Other Countries
-In other countries people make idols of animals and other objects and worshiped them. (Hold up some items they worship)

In our Country
-In our country we do not have images or statues we build and worship, but their are things in our heart that are more important than God. These things are idols in our heart. An idol is really anything that is more important that God, or takes the place of God.

C. Love The Lord Your God With All Your Heart
-You might think you are safe with # 2 - Only Worship God, since you don’t worship a gold calf or a monkey
-Worshipping something only means that something is more important in our life than God
-It is easy for things to become more important than God
-In my heart box I have some things that could be or could become more important than God in your life
-As we look at them: Ask yourself
-Is this more important than God?
-Do I spend more time on this than on God?

D. Conclusion
1. God should be number one in our lives. (Pull Bible out of heart)

2. How can we make God number one in our lives?
-Pray every day
-Read our Bibles every day
-Go to Kidz Club
-Go to church
-Run from things that do not please God

Pray with the children