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Keeping God's Commandments

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: God’s top ten

Verse: If you love me you will obey what I command. John 14:15


“Trash” – pieces of paper with the following things written on them
-I tell lies. My friends don’t care.
-I called my mom and dad names
-I pretend I ‘m sick so I don’t have to go to church
-I took a friend’s eraser at school
-I want to go to football practice – not church
-I took a candy bar from the corner store. They won’t miss just one candy bar.
-I’ll hide from my mom-I don’t want to take the trash out.
-I told my dad I already cleaned my room, but I really didn’t
-My sister makes me so mad, I hit her.
-Those people next door are weird. I won’t help them. I don’t want anyone to see me even
talking to them.
-I’ll beg my dad for the Play Station game my friend has – I have to have it too.
-I am so mad because my mom won’t let me buy clothes like my friend just did.
-I can cuss all I want to – Miss Michelle can’t hear me.
-It is funny when my friends cuss.
-Nobody is going to push me around-I’ll beat them up.
-My Neighbor’s are old. I wish they would move away.
-She is ugly. I don’t like the way she dresses.
-I don’t do what mom and dad tell me until they get really mad.


(At the end of singing have one of you throw “trash” around the front of the room)


1. Introduction: (_________________________________________)

-Who threw all the trash around?
-Blame it on someone – act annoyed with them but leave it for now.

-For the last few weeks we have been talking about John 14:15 “If you love me (Jesus), you will obey what I command.”
-We have talked about how we have the choice to follow Jesus and obey Him.
-We talked about how all our choices have consequences.
-Today we are going to talk about this verse a little more.
-Once we decide to live for Jesus, we can show Jesus how much we love Him by obeying what he commands.
-How do we know what Jesus commands?
-By reading the Bible
-Can you guys think of some commands in the Bible that Jesus would want us to obey?
-Hint: Earlier this past year we learned about 10 rules at the after school program … God’s Top Ten

2. God’s Top Ten Review (__________________________________________)

-Use the Overhead to go through them. Have the kids repeat them after you. Talk about what some of them mean

God’s Top Ten
1.God comes first.
2.Only worship God
3.Keep God’s name holy
4.Keep God’s day holy
5.Honor your mom and dad
6.Do not kill
7.Mommies and daddies must love each other
8.Do not steal
9.Do not lie
10.You must not want what other people have

3. Conclusion: Don’t Trash Up Your Life (______________________________________)

-When we decide not to obey one of God’s Top 10 we are trashing up our lives with sin.
-Sin is not obeying or breaking God’s commands.
-When we choose to sin we make a mess or “trash” up our life (Kind of like all the trash found at the front right now.)

-We are going to choose some volunteers one at a time to come up “read” the piece of trash and then slam dunk it in the garbage. We are going to get rid of sin. As some of the volunteers read a piece of paper, you might be thinking – that is something I have a hard time with or something I have done. As they slam dunk it in the garbage, you can do the same in your heart. Get rid of that sin forever.

Pray (____________________________)