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Good And Evil Don't Mix

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Love God -Hate Sin



Container ½ full of water
Container with dirty grease



-I am not a big Star Wars fan, so I don’t know all the names of the characters or the planets they live on.
-I do know one thing Star Wars is about a battle between 2 forces – The Good and the Dark Side (evil)
-Every episode of Star Wars shows the fight between good and evil.
-In our lifetime, on our planet we face the same kind of battle everyday.
-Today I want to teach you something very important about good and evil

2. There are 2 forces on planet Earth

(This water represents the good force)
-This water is pure and clean. This water keeps plants, and people alive.
-The Bible teaches that life comes from God, so this force is the GOD-FORCE
-The God Force is behind everything good and pure because God has not part in evil things.
-God’s force helps people to live at their best.

(This dirty liquid represents the evil force)
-The leader of this force is the devil. The devil represents death and destruction
-The Bible teaches that the devil has come to kill steal and destroy us, so anything that kills, steals or destroy us is from the DEATH-FORCE
-Can you think of some examples? (Drugs, alcohol, hate, crime, sin)

3. Good and Evil don’t mix
-A lot of people like to live in both forces
-They like to go to church and pray
-They also like to be apart of the dark side
-Some people think there is something fun about The Dark Side

(Pour the 2 liquids together and shake them up)

-Just like these 2 liquids don’t mix, you cannot mix The God Force and the Death Force in your life.

4. You have a Choice to Make

-In Star Wars Anekin had to make a very important choice whether he was going to follow the dark side or the good side. He made the wrong decision. His decision lead to destruction.

-Every human being has the same decision to make

-Are you going to follow the God-Force?
-The force that brings light and life
-The forces that helps you live at your best

-Are you going to follow the DEATH- FORCE?
-At first the Death-force might seem a little fun but it will destroy your life, your happiness and your future
-Look at Annekin – He lost his family (mom, wife, his 2 kids), his friends, and his body was completely destroyed. He lost his happiness


-Just like it is harder to keep pure water clean (free from dirt and bugs) it is harder to live on God’s Side
-Sometimes the God-Force gets lonely
-The God Force is not for Wimps
-You are constantly fighting against the Dark Side
-Living on the God-Force has great rewards
-A life of purpose and meaning
-Lots of good friends and family
-Eternal life