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God’s Word Will Last Forever

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: God’s Word

Verse: The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of our God stands forever Isaiah 40:8


Change bag
2 identical pieces of paper with “The Bible” written on them or 2 identical cut out of the Bible


Put one Bible in each pocket of the change bag before class.


-The Bible is God’s Word.
-The Bible is an instruction book, showing us how we are to live when we decide to live for Jesus.
-The Bible is a book full of promises from God.
-The Bible will last forever.

Object lesson:
-There are some people in this world who will do anything they can to destroy God’s Word.
-There are rulers who have passed laws making it illegal to own a Bible.
-There are others who make fun of Christians. They call Christians names. They say mean things to Christians.
-There are people in some countries who will beat Christians up and even kill them for their faith.
-Some people will collect all the Bibles they can and burn them.
-They will do everything they can to destroy God’s Word.

(While you are talking about the above. Take a Bible out of the change bag and rip it up in pieces. Then sprinkle the pieces in the change bag.)
-No matter what we face in life. No matter what people say about us for being a Christian. No matter what people do to destroy Gods Word-remember Isaiah 40:8

The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of our God stands forever.

(Reach in the change bag and pull out the whole Bible, and then reveal that the change bag is empty.)

Conclusion: We need to put our trust in God’s Word because it will last forever.