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God’s Word Gives Us Freedom

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: God’s Word

Verse: Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105


Board with nails half pounded in



1. Introduction:
Over the past several weeks we have been talking about how Christians should live – qualities we need in our life once we have decided to live for Jesus.

Who can name some of these qualities?
-Love others
-Forgive others
-Be honest (don’t lie)
-Use self-control
-Be Holy (stay away from sin)
-Obey God
-Perseverance – keeps on going and going and going – never give up- keep your eyes on Jesus no matter what

Today we are going to talk about something else that is very important for us to do.

Before we get started . . .

2. Object Lesson

Pull out a board with several nails sticking out of it. Tell Pastor Eric he needs to pound the nails all the way into the board before I can continue with the lesson. Present him with some tools (toothbrush, screwdriver, hairbrush, spoon etc.)

Pastor Eric you are not doing a good job at getting nails into the board we may be here all day.

Boys and girls – why is Pastor Eric doing such a bad job?

He is using the wrong tool.

Sometimes in live we go to the wrong place for solutions. We sometimes use the wrong tool to get help or answers.

When we decide to live for Jesus there is one tool that can help us in every situation.
There is one tool that we can turn to for all the right answers.
There is one tool that will help us succeed in life

Do you know what that is? THE BIBLE

The Bible . . . helps us live the way Jesus wants us to
…helps us be successful
…gives us wisdom in every situation

3. Bible Verse

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

First we will say the verse in different voices

Then – one side will stand and say a word, the other side will stand and say a word – go through the whole verse.

4. Conclusion

We need to take time and read the Bible each day. When we are facing a difficult situation, we can use the Bible to help us know how to act and what choices to make in that situation.