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Be Holy

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be Popular With God

Verse: Be very careful how you live, not as unwise but as wise. Ephesians 5:15


Holey pants
Jewelry box
Vacuum cleaner



1.Have someone else start off the lesson. They can say what we are talking about today
-Etc. . Start to put on clothes with holes in, or get a volunteer to put clothes on with holes in them.
-"The Bible says to be holy so I guess that means to wear holey clothing."
2.Leader interrupts
3.Wearing holey clothing has nothing to do with today's lesson.
Holy means
-To be separate from sin
-To be pure from evil actions
-To be against bad actions

One way to live Holy is to fill your minds with good things.
-Who likes to help vacuum?
-What does a vacuum cleaner eat? (Dirt)
-A vacuum cleaner thinks dirt is yummy.
-Some people have vacuum cleaner minds. They put rotten things in their mind.
-What are some rotten things we can put in our mind?
-Talking bad about other
-We can put bad thoughts in our mind by hanging around bad people, watching bad TV shows, playing bad video games, and listening to bad music.
-(Hold up a jewelry box) Who knows what this is?
-Who has one of these in your home?
-What is in it?
-Jewels are very beautiful and are important to us.
-God wants us to have a jewelry box mind instead of a vacuum cleaner mind.
-In a jewelry box what do we find? Treasures, jewelry
-Treasures and jewelry are like good things we can put in our mind. For instance,
-God's Word
-Good TV shows
-Music that glorifies God
-Love for others
-We can put treasures in our mind by hanging around other Christians, by coming to Kidz Club, by going to church and by making sure that the activities we do are pleasing to God.
The people we hang around will determine whether we live holy or not.
-Samson had a jewelry-box heart.
-He decided to live holy before God. He promised God that He would stay away from sin.
-Samson looked like any ordinary Israelite but He had the power of the Holy Spirit in Him because He obeyed God's commands.
-God raised up Samson to defeat the Philistines-enemies of God's people.
-There was nothing that the Philistines could do to stop Samson.
-Samson did things that ordinary men could not do.
-He killed a lion with his bare hands.
-He tore the gates from the walls of a city and carried them away
-He killed 1000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.
-Samson kept the Philistines away from God's people.
-When we have a jewelry box heart, God's power lives in us just like it did Samson. We can defeat the devil, and anything he tries to offer us.
-Samson disobeyed God and lost his power.
-Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah.
-She was a Philistine.
-It was against God's commands for an Israelite and Philistine to marry.
-Philistine woman did not love God-They worshipped other wicked gods.
-The philistines had Vacuum cleaner hearts.
-The Philistine leaders offered Delilah money to find out the secret of Samson's strength, and she agreed.
-Delilah loved money more than Samson.
-Delilah coaxed Samson to tell the secret of his strength. After some time went by Samson agreed to tell.
-Samson told Delilah about the promise He made to God.
-A part of that promise included not cutting his hair.
-Samson said if I break my covenant with God, I would no longer be strong.
-In the night while Samson was asleep, Delilah cut off his hair.
-When Samson woke up he realized what had happen.
-He had disobeyed God.
-His hair ended up being cut off.
-He no longer had strength to fight off the Philistines
-The Philistines came and bound Samson up and plucked out his eyes.

-1.If you are going to be popular with God, you need to live a Holy life-stay away from sin.
-2.You need to have a jewelry box heart - filled with God's Word, and things that please God.
-3. If you decide to have a vacuum cleaner heart (filling your mind with bad things), you could end up in trouble like Samson.